Tag: Brandon Sanderson

The Hero of Ages By Brandon Sanderson

“The Hero of Ages” is the third and final installment of the Mistborn trilogy, a captivating fantasy novel penned by Brandon Sanderson. This epic tale takes place in a world plagued by perpetual ashfall, ruled by the oppressive Lord Ruler. It follows the journey of a group of rebels known as the Final Empire. Within…

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The Well of Ascension By Brandon Sanderson

It’s been a year since the lord ruler was killed and a decent man put on the high position. Sure the last domain was bad however it kept individuals took care of. Did any of you individuals ponder how you could manage the world once you liberated it?Elend, Vin and the entire team wind up…

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Mistborn: The Final Empire By Brandon Sanderson

 In this world there are two altogether different classes of individuals, the Skaa which are the scum of society and do all the Noble men’s slave work; the Noble Men are the higher class who are engaged with the court framework. The Lord Ruler is the God like figure that has directed the domain for…

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The Bookish Dad