Barbarian Alien (IPB Book 2) By Ruby Dixon

This book is mainly about Liz and Raashosh. Georgie and the Barbarians go back for the girl (end of book 1). Rasshosh khui reassonates for Liz and he he pretty much kidnaps her (while knocked out) and go to a cave for a few days (maybe weeks) until he can mate with her. As the time goes by however stubbard they both are Liz begins to warm up to the big guy. He actually understand English, but sincde Liz never asked and just assumed he couldn’t, he never offered to tell her until later in the book.
In this book we learn a little of boths backstory. I though i was not going to like Raahosh, but as I keopt reading I git a better understanding of him and what troubles him and the reason he is the way he is. (Abandonment issues)….Liz wants to go hunting so she has to use what she’s got to get him to agree lol. it gets wild for sure. She has fallen for him and they end up back at the village (Donut Cave). Vektal is mad and has to punish Raashosh for running off with Liz since that broke the rules. He gets exiled and Liz finds out she is pregnant. Now she can’t be around Raahosh, but quickly comes up with a plan to be by his side.
You can find this book and all of the other Ruby Dixon books on her site or can go directly to Amazon*
This book is mainly about Liz and Raashosh. Georgie and the Barbarians go back for the girl (end of book 1). Rasshosh khui reassonates for Liz and he he pretty much kidnaps her (while knocked out) and go to a cave for a few days (maybe weeks) until he can mate with her. As the…