Wanted for Perversion, Trained for Gluttony (Wanted and Trained Series) by Katt Pemble

Wanted for Perversion, Trained for Gluttony
Wanted for Perversion, Trained for Gluttony


Gina is an assertive, confident woman attracted to the wrong sort of guy. She enters into the kink scene without doing any research or learning of her own and finds herself spiralling out of control and down a dark and dangerous path to slavery.
Cruel sadists and constant degradation dampen her spirit until she’s a shell of her previous self. Can she find her way back out of the darkness?
This novella introduces readers to Gina before the events of Wanted for Pleasure, Trained for Sin (Wanted & Trained book 2).

My Thoughts:


The characters in this book were incredible, and the plot was so intriguing that it kept me reading. Gina was in an open relationship until she realized she wanted more from it. Gina enjoyed the thrill of things never being the same. In order to continue her relationships with others, Gina made the decision to break up with her boyfriend. Each day was unique. In the BDSM kinky realm, things started to change and move through several stages. This book was very sensual and spicy.

If this sounds like something you are into, and want to check it out you can find it on Amazon.

Description: Gina is an assertive, confident woman attracted to the wrong sort of guy. She enters into the kink scene without doing any research or learning of her own and finds herself spiralling out of control and down a dark and dangerous path to slavery.Cruel sadists and constant degradation dampen her spirit until she’s a…

The Bookish Dad