Category: Thriller

The Shell Collector by Christopher Golden

In this suspenseful story located in the small town of Gloucester, Massachusetts, we are introduced to Richie Feehan, a lobsterman who also devotes himself to art and whose peaceful existence is disrupted by a disturbing event. Richie discovers a woman’s body in his lobster trap, sparking a mysterious investigation that could reveal dark secrets of…

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The Rage by Richard Bachman

“The Rage” by Richard Bachman, a pseudonym for Stephen King, is a gripping novel originally published in 1977. The narrative revolves around Charlie Decker, a high school student who faces suspension for assaulting a teacher. Upon his return to school, he seizes control of the classroom by brandishing a gun, holding his classmates and teacher…

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The Alienist by Caleb Carr

“The Alienist” by Caleb Carr is a thrilling historical novel set in 1896 New York City. Against the backdrop of a metropolis gripped by societal change, a team of individuals embarks on a harrowing journey to solve a series of heinous crimes targeting young male prostitutes. At the center of the story is Dr. Laszlo…

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The Bookish Dad