A Silent Voice Complete Series Box Set by Yoshitoki Oima

A Silent Voice Complete Series Box Set by Yoshitoki Oima
A Silent Voice Complete Series Box Set by Yoshitoki Oima

“A Silent Voice” is a manga series penned and illustrated by Yoshitoki Oima. The narrative centers around Shoya Ishida, a young boy who, during his elementary school days, subjected a deaf girl named Shoko Nishimiya to relentless bullying after her transfer to his school. However, when the tables turn and Shoya himself becomes a target of bullying, he begins to comprehend the pain and consequences of his past actions.

Haunted by guilt and yearning for redemption, Shoya seeks a chance to make amends years later by reconnecting with Shoko. Through their interactions and the relationships they form with their friends, the manga explores profound themes of forgiveness, empathy, friendship, and personal growth.

“A Silent Voice” delves deep into the emotional struggles and challenges faced by both the aggressors and the victims. It emphasizes the significance of effective communication, understanding, and acceptance in bridging differences and fostering meaningful connections. Addressing sensitive topics like disability, mental health, and social isolation, the series sensitively portrays the profound impact these issues have on the characters’ lives.

Overall, “A Silent Voice” offers a poignant and thought-provoking exploration of remorse, redemption, and the transformative power of human connection. It has garnered acclaim for its nuanced depiction of complex characters and its ability to evoke empathy and introspection in its readers.

I first watched A Silent Voice a year ago and thought it was good, and suddenly I fell in love with it. As a person with Cerebral Palsy this really hit close t home. So I bought the manga, which ended up being just as good. Compared to the movie, the manga has more character interaction which really enhances certain people. It also goes beyond the movie when the characters talk about what they’re going to do after high school, which makes you wonder, “What would happen to them after high school?” If you have already seen the movie, this is a great addition that will make you experience the story in a different way. If you haven’t seen the movie and want to read the manga, do so. Personally, I’d recommend both, but whatever you do, A Silent Voice is definitely worth it.

If you want to buy this set i have 2 different editions for you. You can find the 7 book set and the complete collector’s editions volume 1 and volume 2.

“A Silent Voice” is a manga series penned and illustrated by Yoshitoki Oima. The narrative centers around Shoya Ishida, a young boy who, during his elementary school days, subjected a deaf girl named Shoko Nishimiya to relentless bullying after her transfer to his school. However, when the tables turn and Shoya himself becomes a target…

The Bookish Dad